Friday, 31 October 2014

3 things I've learnt from living on my own

1. How to parallel park. 
         We have one parking place and three drivers with vehicles in our household. Thus needing two of us to parallel park on the street. Having only parallel parked once before moving to this place, I would say that yes, my street parking has greatly improved. However, my performance of said task does depend on the mood of my car, Stanely Sheldon. 
1. Yes my car's name is Stanely Sheldon, or SS Clarke for short.
2. And yes if Stanely Sheldon doesn't feel like parallel parking then it doesn't get done very well. 
But that being said I can almost, always, kinda parallel park. 
2. How to cook for one person. 
I grew up in a family of 8 so I have always been use to cooking for large amounts. When I moved to France and had to adjust my measurements for 5 people, I had a difficult time not making too much. However now, I cook for me, myself and I. One person. Uno. The first few weeks I had left overs galore! And even now sometimes I make way too much rice and pasta. 
3. How to master bubble and squeak.
Bubble and squeak is a family recipe that my mum has been making for years. It's not too complicated and I'm going to share with you how to make it. 
      Step 1: you look in your fridge and grab all the leftovers you have. Pasta. Rice. Potatoes. Veggies. Anything and everything works. 
       Step 2: grap a frying pan. 
       Step 3: (this is where it gets tricky) add all your leftovers together. And fry. 
       Optional step: add cheese and/or eggs to the mix. 

I am a...

I am a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a niece, an aunty, a cousin.
I am a broke college student, a piano teacher, and an artist.
I am a friend, a girlfriend, a roommate.
I am a daughter of a King.
I am a child of God.
I am a Mormon

I know it, I live it, I love it.

What are you?

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Post of thanks

During this weekend of Canadian thanksgiving, it is always appropriate to give thanks. Although, just like I refuse to acknowledge Valentine's Day by showing love, I proceed to rebel against the set day of giving thanks by doing it two days earlier. 
I'm grateful for my family, friends, the opportunity to go to university, technology, the house over my head, the clothes on my back etc...
Lately I've been thinking I need to thank my parents specifically. So momma and daddy, thank you. Thank you for teaching me how to mow lawns and weed gardens. How to back up a trailer. The proper names for trowels, shovels, and spades. Thank you for teaching me how to change a diaper when I was 7. Teaching me the difference between the cleaning supplies. Thank you for teaching me how to work in scorching sun, pouring rain, and freezing snow. 
And thank you for investing time and money for the ten years I took piano lessons. For forcing me to practice until I loved it. Now I am a piano teacher, and all that money you spent on my lessons will be paid off after my first year of teaching. 
And I thank you for that. 

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Mid-semester, midterms, and mid life crisis

Well hopefully I am too young to be having mid life crisises, but that's what it feels like as I'm trying to juggle my school work, my job, and my social life. As any college / university student can sadly attest to, midterms are here whether we like it or not and they are bringing the crazy out of everyone. 
To quote a wise man I heard on the weekend while I watched general conference (though I'll admit it I can't remember his name) "you may need to sort out your priorities, and if so, DO IT!" So, I thought it would be better if I got a day planner and wrote down what I needed to do... That worked, until I realized how much I actually needed to accomplish (to be honest, I'm just using this blog post to help procrastinate)
I ended up writing down piano students, homework, things to do research on, people to call, people to meet, people to send emails to, questions to answer in my journal, topic for my blog, and the list goes on to even the patterns of the moon.
Of course it is way easier to organize my life when it is all on paper instead of in my imaginary and even electronic calendar.