If you haven't heard the news yet then I'm afraid that you probably live under a rock because I'm assuming if you read my blog then you also have access to my Facebook and Instagram accounts. But I will forgive you.
I am getting married!! (Insert oohs and aahs) yes I know it's all very exciting, believe me, no one is more ecstatic than my fiancé and I. Life is coming together splendidly. But I'm not just writing this post to rub it into your face I am here to recount the story of our courtship/proposal. I have had enough people come up and ask me that I'd figure I would just make some snip bits public knowledge so I don't feel like a broken record.
Lots of people try to take credit for Brad and I meeting. Buy if we were to give credit to anyone it would have to be Brad's cousin, Sarah. She is the whole reason Bradley and I were both at her grandmas house.
I thought Brad was cute when I first met him, which is exactly a year ago to the day (July 25), and just like my Grammy, I know when I want something and I will get it. Lucky Brad. He's a little slow when it comes to flirting and I wasn't going to let him slip through my fingers because he can't pick up on hints. So when the opportunity arose (his cousins teasing him about not going on a date yet since he's been home from his mission for 6 weeks) I raised my hand and said, "well, I'm available".
Fast forward through 9 months of long distance dating, me in Lethbridge and him in Edmonton, and we arrive to the point of the big question! Which so happened to fall on my 20th birthday (hopefully he won't forget that day now). It was a great day starting before sunrise to hike to the top of Bear's Hump in Waterton. There we watched the sunrise, talked, cuddled, took some pictures before he got down on one knee, and using my full name (impressive), proposed.