So how short did I go? Pretty darn short... I was able to donate it again. I am sporting a pixie cut now, and I rock it... at least I'm telling myself that until I get over the shock.
I feel like I lost ten pounds though (ha there's a diet plan for you) and I keep expecting my hair to swing when I walk and to blow in my face when I go outside (Thanks again southern Alberta wind...) but it doesn't.
Thanks to pinterest, I was able to find many different kinds of short cuts. My favorite was the longer pixie cut style.
I also had to keep in mind that I have a heart shape face so we didn't want to make my chin a focal point, but draw the attention to my eyes and smile.
If you are thinking about making a big cut to your locks make sure to:
Do it because you want to.
Talk to a hairdresser who knows your hair
Do it for yourself.
Have confidence (you can rock anything if you just believe).
If you want to, do it. Don't let others decide for you.
No matter what you do, (to quote Taylor Swift) the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate, and people are going to judge you if you do it AND if you don't. So do whatever will make you the happiest.