Monday, 29 May 2017

A Thought on Age

In French we say "I have 22 years", in English it is "I am 22". (Personally I agree with the French language on this point). We aren't the number.
How will I know when my mid-life crisis hits or when I'm at the prime of my life if I don't know how long my life will actually be?
I'm always afraid people will think I am younger than I am, and sometimes I think I'm younger than I am. This year will mark the fourth year since I graduated from high school and the 22nd of my whole life but I still can't fully see myself as one of those "grown ups" and I still do a double take when someone refers to me as Sister Smith.
That is until last Sunday.
The older primary kids sang happy birthday to me. And when it was my turn to teach singing time I asked them how old they thought I was. Right off the bat a 10 year old yells, "39"! I got some other answers that stayed in the 30's for a bit and then some of them ventured into the high 20's. I finally had someone guess 22 after a few minutes and I sighed in relief!
I guess that solves the mystery of if they saw me as an adult...
Now I'm concerned about if I look older than I am... Confidence is a fickle thing.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Big News!

Well this was supposed to be posted in April, but *insert excuses*... When I last updated you all we were choosing between moving to Winnipeg or Edmonton. After pondering, searching, and praying we finally decided that we will be moving to Winnipeg, Manitoba at the end of August.
Bradley has finished his Undergraduate of Applied Statistics (with honours thesis) although we haven't received his actual diploma, he has gotten all of his marks back.
Meanwhile, I have been a busy little bee at work still. I am wearing myself thin with all the extra work I am doing, but I do get a break this weekend when we go up to Banff for an academic conference of Bradley's.
We plan on staying in Lethbridge until the end of August because we both have jobs here and that way we can save as much money as possible before me move and we have to rely on our savings for a bit.