Let another countdown commence! 35 days left until the moving company comes and picks up all of our stuff. 35 days to finish packing up our lives and to find a new place to start fresh. Just four weeks to go... If I said I wasn't nervous, I would be lying. Winnipeg is a big move. And anyone who knows me knows that I am a planning person. I've planned countless vacations that I haven't gone on, to decorate a house I don't own, talks that I haven't given, questions that haven't been asked, situations that haven't occurred; so it's not like this move has sneaked up on me at all.
It started off with a list of lists to make, turned into a Pinterest board, and then into an actual moving binder.
What is in this so-called "moving binder" you may ask? Well there's the normal To-do list, a give away list, a list of what isn't allowed to be moved with a company. Then later a list of freezer food we need to eat before we leave was added. A schedule of when to pack what came next. Dimensions of larger items that still need a box. A count of how many boxes per room we have. All the floorplans of apartments we are applying to. I have a list of stuff to pack in the car that we will need before we start unpacking. And a cleaning chart to deep clean the basement suite to end it all off.
If you want a pre-made list just click here.