Friday, 6 September 2013

Be thou an example

Just the other day, Sonia and I were fixing up the kitchen after the girls were in bed. As we were talking, she told me that they were lucky to have found me for their au pair, because she told me, I'm different than most girls my age. She went on to explain that, she didn't know quite what it was, but I was more open to everyone, kinder, easier to talk to, polite. Etc. She explained that there is certain feeling I have about me. I smiled thanked her graciously.
You see, living in Cardston, and being among many LDS people, you never realize just quite how different you are from the world. I've heard many stories of other youth, being told in a way that they have the Lords countenance in their faces, but I didn't even know if I emitted that light myself. Until now.

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing young woman. Thanks for being such a good example. My kids miss you! Ben just had his birthday and wanted 'Ashley' to come to his party!
