Thursday, 27 March 2014


So usually I have more photos than words, but today I went to a two hour improv class. Yes it was all in French. No I wasn't the only non native French speaker. In fact, there were just 3 others girls, 2 Swedish and 1 Italian. All were au pairs. The teacher, Sebastian, was very funny. At first it was nerve racking. And I was really confused as to why I signed up for it in the first place, but I missed theater and acting. Plus, it was free! I knew it would challenge my French, but how do you expect to get anywhere if you don't challenge yourself.
It was nice because we didn't jump straight into speaking. He gave us time to get use to each other and him. He let us walk around the room and pick up props, familiarize ourselves with our surroundings. Then he would clap and we would have to freeze as if we were doing an action like playing a sport and someone would have to come and finish the action with us.
Next was "ah, j'ai compris, je vais" someone does an action (without speaking) and the first person to figure out what they are doing would jump up and do it with them. One time I pretended to plant a tree, so I started digging, some one comes and helps me dig and I hand them an invisible tree and we plant it together. 
After that we started adding speaking lines. Making up scenes and plots with only 2 minutes to prepare. Quite funny. We played a game where the point was to get the other person to say oui or non. 

Another group of girls came and joined us after that, they were the singing group. Then they chose our theme, and we got only 1 minute to make something up and we did it for them. It was called "The Gun and Love." I had a super beau gun which I adored so much and my femme got annoyed with me because I was always admiring my gun. Everyone wanted my gun it was so magnifique. So she left and ended up getting kidnapped. And when I went to find her they stole my gun and I had to chose between the fun and my wife. Of course I chose mon amour, c'est évidement. You had to be there, lots of improv going on since we only had time to get a rough plot line in place, had to make up lines just like that (it was very good for my French). 

We changed it up a bit and the girls from the singing group would be our voices, as we acted out, and make the sound effects. Very fun and interesting! I would do it again.

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