Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Saint Malo / Mont Saint Michel

The other weekend I travelled to the Bretagne region of France and forgot to write about it, so consider this my apology.
First off a little geography lesson. France is comprised of regions (like states or provinces if you will). Paris is in the Ile de France.
Paris is in the red shaded area. It was a 3 hour train ride to the blue circle where saint malo is located. And mont saint Michel is in the Normandy region (the purple circle). So what's so special about that place anyway, you ask? Well, for one it's gorgeous.
It's right on the coast with a couple of islands like the one above, which can only be reached during low tide.
If you are a boat lover then this is for you.
It's a cute little town.

Mont Saint Michel
Originally it was a burial place for the arch angel Michael.
In the 10 century, it was just tomb on a hill. After many years of monks, nuns, and other religious people pilgriming there...
Little places of settlement started being built on the right side of the hill, and the abbey started being built with the monks monastery.
And finally we arrived to this in the 20 century. With the cathedral on top.
Naturally protected by the tide, you could only cross during low tide and even then it was risky with the soft ground and quick sand in places. 
The inside of the abbey was cold and dark.

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