Thursday, 22 January 2015

5 tips to being happier

I realize I've kind of been MIA since Christmas. Don't worry it's just school that is keeping me occupied. 
I'm proud to say that my first year as a university student is almost complete. This last semester has gone by so quickly. When I look back its just a blur of classes and piano students. 
Although it has been extremely busy I have been very happy with these last few months and I'd like to share with you some things I've figured out on how to be happier. 

1. Early to rise. 
That little saying "early to bed early to rise, makes a (wo)man healthy, wealthy, and wise" is actually very true. The days that I actually get up on time are more enjoyable, more productive, and just easier in general. I'm not rushed out the door in fear I'll miss my class, I have time to shower and get ready properly with a nice healthy breakfast. 

2. Electronic Fast
In today's world we have access to smart phones, fast internet, and basically anything we need online. I love technology as much as the next person, and even praise it at times. But sometimes we need to take a break from having the virtual world at our fingertips all the time. Once a day I put down my phone for at least an hour and disconnect from the online world. I spend time with friends that are actually around me. I clean up and organize a room. I nap or exercise. Just anything that doesn't involve technology. 

3. Take a time out. 
This is the hardest one for me to remember. Sometimes I stretch myself so thin between school, work, studying, friends, family, boyfriend that I don't allow time for myself. Its okay to say no. It's okay to lock yourself in your bedroom and read or draw or just lay there letting yourself recharge. Do something you enjoy. Just take some you time because you deserve it. 

4. Count your blessings. 
Even on the worst days something good happened. So try to pin point something positive or a blessing during the day. It doesn't have to be big. It could be as simple as the trees are starting to bud. 
Also enjoy the bad times because without that opposition how will we appreciate the great days?

5. Smile. 
Even if you don't want to. Fake it to make it. Smile until it doesn't have to be forced. Smile at people you walk by. A smile is contagious and you never know when your smile will make someone else smile

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