Sunday, 18 September 2016

Trust in Him

The fall, like always, brings with it the start of a school year (specifically the start of Brad's last year of his undergrad) which is always exciting. As for me, I have decided to take a break from school. I have a good full time job at an optometrists office so I am not teaching piano this year (which is sad, I love teaching...). I tell people it's so I can support Brad and we can save money for when grad school hits us, but it is also because I need a mental break. School is stressful... and your mental health is important.

I don't know when I will continue my education but I do know that I still want to get more education, it's just going to take longer than what I originally planned. More often than not, the plan God has in mind for us doesn't always work with the plan we had intended. I'm not saying to forget your dreams and plans but to let God lead your life to paths and doors you wouldn't have seen otherwise.

Alma 57:27 Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young, and their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually.

D&C 84:116 Let him trust in me and he shall not be confounded;
I know that when I let God lead my life and I have faith in him to know what is best for me, everything turns out better than I could've imagined.

1 comment:

  1. Your final sentence reminds me of my favorite quote found in Elder Neal A. Maxwell's book "If thou endure it well"; “Only by aligning our wills with God’s is full happiness to be found. Anything less results in a lesser portion (see Alma 12:10-11). The Lord will work with us even if, at first, we ‘can no more than desire’ but are willing to ‘give place for a portion of [His] words’ (Alma 32:27). A small foothold is all He needs. But we must desire and provide it.”
    I came across this quote a short while after the hardest trial of my life has come to an end, and when I read these words I cried. I could bare witness to the truth of these words. I had fought against the Father’s will until I had no fight left in me. I had finally decided to quit – everything! – I had hit rock bottom, but now I was also humble and teachable – someone He could work with. I put forth my very last effort and from there He took the absolute worst month of my life and used it to shape and mold me – That shaping could have, perhaps, occurred through other situations, but nothing but this trial could shape me so strongly and so quickly.
    Thank you for your testimony and your honesty. I really appreciate your posts.
    PS: Are you familiar with Frank Mills ‘The music box dancer’? – Asides from church hymns, this piece is my all time favorite – It was always 1st on my ‘if I ever learn to play the piano’ bucket list.
