Friday, 31 March 2017

March Update

Wow... I'm really on top of this (sarcastic tone)... It's the last day of the month and here I am, only now updating everyone. *insert round of applause*

So Bradley heard back from University of Alberta, and well, he got accepted! He went up and got to know the profs this last weekend. At Edmonton he would be co-supervised (have two professors to work with), which means two labs, two sources of grants, and well just two of everything.

We/he are so close to making a decision and will probably be ready to let everyone know in the April update :). (wish us luck)

My kickboxing class is coming to an end :( but I would definitely take another one! My arms are so toned and strong, I learnt how to do a roundhouse kick, and it is a great way to mix cardio and strength while also learning a new skill. I highly recommend it to everyone.

Lately, I've been getting into computer programming. Brad has been teaching me in Python and Livecode but I've also been learning HTML through tutorials online and google. I know that probably doesn't seem very interesting but I'm doing some pretty fun things with this new knowledge.
I even made this program that will laugh at all my knock knock jokes!! *cough* nerd *cough*

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